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Frequently Asked Questions


Your Questions Answered

We have put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about Trade Safety Solutions Australia and the service we offer.

If you have a question that you can’t find please contact us using the contact page. 

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Where do I do the course?

The online course is best completed on a desktop computer or tablet.

When will I receive my course login information?

You will have direct access to your course when payment is received.

Who do I contact for assistance?

For the following issues please send your message via the contact page:

  • Direct access to my course was not provided.
  • My login credentials are not working.
  • I do not see my course after I login.
  • I did not receive my certificate.
  • I did not receive my receipt.
What is the difference between online and webinar training?

Webinars are instructor led and completed face to face via zoom meetings and completed in 1 day. Online training is taken on your own, and you have 3 months to complete.

Can I purchase an online course extension?

A one-time extension may be purchased for 35% the original course cost which extends the course timeline by two months, please send your message via the contact page.

What guidelines are there for online training?

What guidelines are there for online training?

  • Be able to work independently without an instructor present.
  • Be familiar with the use of a computer and a web browser.
  • Have knowledge or understanding of the applicable regulations.
  • Be fluent in the English language.

Technical considerations:

  • It is recommended you use google chrome.
  • High speed internet connection is required.
  • You can log in and out of the training program at any time.
  • Log out if you must leave your desk for 15 minutes or more.
  • Ensure your sound is turned on and the volume is up, as the courses include audio content.
  • Read instructions in the introduction to learn how to navigate through the course.
How can a group of people complete the training?

Each person/member of the group is required to enrol for the course and will have their own username and password, on completion of the course individual certificates will be issued to each enrolled person/member of the group.

How is the training delivered?

Learning Management System: This website uses the Moodle learning management system which supports content in various formats, Text, Video, Audio. Moodle tracks attendance and supports quizzes and can be accessed at any time for convenience of learn in your own time schedule.

Zoom Face to Face teaching: (Coming soon) This website also uses Zoom face to face teaching where our lecturers will conduct courses with one or multiple students.

Where do I go to login to my online course?

You will find a quick link at the top of the Trade Safety Solutions Australia homepage “log in/register”.

Where do I pay for my course?

You will find a quick link at the top of the Trade Safety Solutions Australia homepage homepage “courses” this will take you to your online course enrolment and payment system.

How long do I have to complete an online course?

You have 3 months from when the date of payment is received to complete the course. The course automatically closes at midnight EST 3 months from the date payment was received.

When will I get my certificate?

You will be able to download your certificate immediately after successful completion of the course, including all modules and the assessments.

How many people can I train at the same time?

Only 1 person who is the person who completes the enrolment, the certificate will be issued to the enrolled person.

I have a Mac computer, are Trade Safety Solutions Australia online training courses compatible with Mac?

Yes, most of our online courses are fully compatible with any browser or computing platform, however; google chrome is the preferred browser for running Trade Safety Solutions Australia online courses.

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